lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

to the beach!

  In one month I am moving to a town that is three hours from the beach! Not exactly what I had in mind when I signed up for a year in Spain, so I am getting in as many beach days as I can before I leave for olive country. My friends and I went to Cadiz this weekend (arguably the oldest city in the world). Oh my gosh, it is so beautiful! We didn´t go with any kind of plan, so of course when we got there, all hostels were completely full. We found an apartment to rent for the night, and who knew, but it ended up being cheaper and way nice! Cadiz is part of the Sherry Triangle. We went on a sherry tour to learn about something I had heard about, but did not know the first thing. Sherry only comes from this region!? The grapes can come from other places, but in order for it to be called Sherry it needs to go through the wine processes right here in this small region of southern Spain. Cool. There were a bunch of different Sherrys (sherries?) that we tried. Some were so dry and tasted like sake. Others were so sweet my head was spinning. I bought a bottle of the dry sherry to bring out this winter when I am thinking of the coast :)

 We took our siesta on the beach and bought a bottle of wine for sunset. We ate great tapas and enjoyed the beach life! I am enjoying Sevilla so much, but I am not a huge fan of my casa mom and I love to get away from big buildings and concrete streets. What a nice break. I know I spoke too much English this weekend... I´m getting down on myself for that. I have met these great girls from the states and we love eachother so much. It´s hard to force Spanish, even when we say, ok only Spanish for the next 15 minutes, someone always breaks! I am so happy here in Spain! I miss things about the states. But I am truly here, now. I love you mom and dad!! 

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