miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011

One last thing before thanksgiving...

                                                                                       I just couldn´t help but think of an email I sent my family the other day that said, ¨well wish me luck finding a turkey to roast up in this ocean of pig legs I live in.¨ I went to the store the next day and couldnt help but take a picture of exactly what I was talking about....

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011

Almería y El Campo

slacklining in the park!
    It feels like a while since I have blogged! Maybe it´s because I have been having to much fun to sit down and write about it.... Two weekends ago I took a train ride through the desert to Almería for Keely´s 26th birthday! We all traveled from all over Andalucia to make it. Kate, Jessica, Keely and I raged Almería for the weekend, all we were missing was Kerry! It was so nice to be with the girls. To use all American slang, to talk so fast, even talk over eachother, and still be able to understand everything that is going on around me. I think this is something easy to take for granted. I also was happy to see the ocean. I have to travel a ways to get to an ocean, and I don´t think I can ever take for granted how pretty a sunset over the ocean is. I guess I am becoming accustomed to the sun setting over my sea of olive fields that surround Linares!
Jess, Me, Keely and Kate in a castle, no biggie
beach picnic

the house we rented in the countryside
 This past weekend I went out to the country and rented this amazing old spanish house in the mountains.         
   There was a pool and a tennis/soccer court. I went with 13 other people and we stayed for two days. Barbequing steaks, playing sockker, Reggie and I set up the slackline, etc. It was so much fun. On Sunday it was raining outside so we ended up all sitting around near the fire drinking, playing dice, and talking shit! It was nice to be surrounded by such beautiful mountains, and it felt so much like a Spanish movie or something. We ended up not being able to hike just becuase the hiking trails were all way too muddy from the rain, but this group is far from boring, so we just made our own fun inside! I wasn´t ready to leave when it was time to last night, but I think we are going to try to rent this same house again in a few weeks. It was such a good weekend away.
  So this weekend coming up is Thanksgiving! People actually know what that is here.... surprising :) I am going to Cabra (which means goat) to spend it with the ladies I met in Sevilla. I am sad because Reggie has decided to stay in Linares and spend it with the friends he has made here.. I just know I will have more fun if I go, and I know he will have more fun if he stays here with the friends we have made in Linares. It´ll be kind of sad, but we are spending Christmas together in Paris, so I´m not that bent out about it!

 Sending Happy Thanksgiving Wishes!

     Gobble Gobble...

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

One way of Life!! El Chorro :)

I think this dragon creature is playing a violin... in the moonlight
We just came back from the best climbing trip!! We went to a place called El Chorro, just outside of Malaga. The climbing spot in about 3 hours from where we live in Linares. We took a bus to Granada and rented a car from there, only 9 euro a day. We picked up Reggie's buddy, Luke, in Malaga and headed into the mountains. We got in at night and had no idea what was around us. We drove around like a bunch of tourists for waaay too long looking for our hostal, but it's all good, when we got there all the other people were still awake and told us where all the climbing could be found. We didn't do any real prep for the trip, didn't know the climbs, where to find them, and figured a guide for the area was too expensive for just a weekend trip. I can say now that I am buying this guide book for the area because I will be spending a lot more time in El Chorro!
Luke on the last climb of the day
    First day out of the rock was amazing. It was our day to get our bearings and explore the hundreds and hundreds of routes all over the area. Our second day was even better! We met up with a good buddy of mine that I met when I was living in Sevilla, Pepillo. He brought his friend, Carlos, and they took us to an area called La Mumia. Really good climbing. A little more crowded because it was Saturday, but the climbs were beautiful. Long routes, smooth limestone, tons of sunshine, and really great to see Pepillo!
Bits of the path fallen out
    On our third morning we were climbing in a spot in the canyon. To get there you can take one of two ways; el Camino del Rey, or the train tracks. El Camino del Rey (the path of the King) is located about 100 meters above the river below, and its this super super old walking path that has completely fallen apart. There is still a cable running along the side of the wall that you can clip yourself into so you don't fall to your death!  Mostly everyone walking the camino are climbers, wearing their harnesses and carrying all their gear, there are some other people who do walk this camino, but harnesses and a way to clip yourself into the cable are absolutely mandatory. The camino has actually been officially closed since 1992 and is now falling aapppaart. There are actually climbs that you can do right off the path of the camino, with not very much space, but with epic views all around and a little frightening too.
A bit of the Camino and river at sunset
The gang that walked the Camino del Rey!
    Walking the path took about an hour and a half. We finally reached our climbing destination and met up with our other friends who walked the railroad tracks. This can also be sketchy because trains are still continuously running along these tracks. There is space to get over and plug your ears, but still! The climbing on this last day was my FAVORITE for the whole trip. The routes were looonnnggg, and we were all kind of perched on the side of this rock in a smallish area before there was another drop off down to the river. I loved the group I was with! Reggie, Luke, a bunch of Spaniards that I met through Pepillo and myself. I know I will climb with these guys in the future. I think Sunday was the most fun day I have had since I have been in Spain. I am continuously blown away with how beautiful this country is and how nice and welcoming the Spanish people are.

extra pictures from el Chorro :)

Our little euro car

One of the crag spots
La Mumia

Pepillo Tomates!

sunset from camp spot

the beginning of the Camino

the path couldn't handle me

Up on the bridge, you can see the path behind us

Reggie crossing one of the bridges, the path right in front completely gone!

Carlos, Pepillo, and Reg
Camino with bridge and river