miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012

pictures of my piso!

My huuuggee kitchen! We had a deep fryer and everything, not that I would know how to use it?? I don't know if you can tell... but there is actually a layer of water along the tiles... yes, the washing machine broke with all my clothes inside... I was mopping it up for about an hour!

MY BALCONY!! I spend soo much time out here. Mari and I eat lunch and its all afternoon sun. We are now getting to the point where it's too hot, but it's been a blessing all year!

haha my DORM room! kinda looks like one right? But I love all the light it gets, and that I have my own balcony :)

Our family room! And here is Mari doing arts and crafts in front of the tv. There is another rounded balcony behind the couches there. pretty sweet digs huh?

Linares in its final weeks...

Kate and Me in Córdoba at Los Patios
  Oh wow, really? Just like that? 2 and a half weeks left? Where do I begin? I´m excited, but it also puts a pain in my stomach knowing this is all coming to an end. I cannot, CAN NOT, wait to eat a Chipotle burrito, but I know that´s still a long ways away. Reggie and I leave the night of the 31st of May to start a 6 week tour through Europe. I want to be planning for this trip, but still stay in the moment. I want to be here now, without starting the countdown. I need to think about packing a small (small) backpack, pack up my whole room, ditch my bags somewhere and fly to London June 1st. We have such an amazing adventure planned! London, Amsterdam, Belgium (riding bikes and beer touring), to Cologne to stay with a friend, over to Munich, Prague.... shit Kelsey! Be here now! The olive groves have received their fair share of rain this month, and it really smells beautiful around town! (And the allergies are officially in full force.) 

  There are STILL cafes and bars I have not seen or even knew existed that I am discovering every couple days! The sun is out and it´s finally warm... I took out my sandals for the first time this year last week. Didn´t I move to southern Spain for the warmth? Well here it is, from winter to summer over night, 104 degrees this weekend here in Linares! I have met so many people along the way, all over Spain that I need to say my good byes to. That is why I headed to Sevilla this past weekend. To meet back up with the four lovely ladies I fell in love with during my first month in Sevilla. It was a great/sad/ weird weekend. Really, I can’t believe we just said our good byes! We spent the whole weekend doing a lot of “remember whens”. Weeeirrrrdddd…
Reggie with Faya, Franklin and Cartas!!

 I am feeling full-up and good! I have had my fair share of traveling for the moment. In a perfect world I would fly home June 1st. Hug my mom and dad, meet my new baby cousin, and spent a month on the east coast. I know I would have the travel bug again right away. And THAT´s when I would LOVE to do the 6 week tour. Listen to me, what am I talking about? THIS is the perfect world! I am able to go traveling around Europe for 6 weeks?!?!?!! I´m the luckiest girl in the world! Funny how things lose perspective every now and then.
second visit to the Alhambra with my school!
   Well I have made a list of things, to help keep me in the moment during my last month in Linares: I want to read another book in Spanish before I take off. I want to go climbing one or two more times in Jaen or Cazorla. I want to discover a new cafe AND bar every week. I want to walk down a street I have not yet walked down (this one will be difficult) every couple days. And I think that´s a good start.