lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011


Gypsy Spanish dress :)

   I love Feria!! Feria is a Fair that happens in every city in Spain. The Feria starts in Sevilla in i think April or March, and then travels around to all the cities for the rest of the year. The Linares Feria was right before we arrived, so we hopped the bus to the Feria in Jaen this weekend (45 minutes away). Just picture this: carnival rides mixed with drinking tents, game playing zones, discotechs, kebab and sandwich joints all created in an open lot for SEVEN days right outside the city center. This is a romping good time for the little niños up to the grannies. All the people are dressed so nice, going on these carnival rides in their discotech-ing clothes. It is so much fun! So many of the women are wearing these traditional gypsy style dresses that are so beautiful.  
   Reggie and I met up with a teacher from his school, Vicente around 4pm. He introduced us to all of his friends and their wives, and the party began! We started at a sherry tent where they serve chocolates and cookies with the sherry. By this time it was proabbly 4:30pm, maybe 5pm, and we made our way to a tent that was blasting Shakira music. The dancing commenced mixed with some super old Spanish songs that everyone knew the dances to.

Reggie and I with the gang!

   I am dying to have my roommates teach me this style of dancing. Fun to watch, but you know I would much rather be participating. Dancing and drinking, dancing and drinking, dancing and drink, etc etc etc, at midnight, Reggie and I almost had it. We found a heavenly kebab shop, the best kebab I have ever eaten. After this we were ready for round two. Damn, its hard to keep up with these Spaniards!
   Eventually we called our friend that we have met climbing named Karol, he´s a hilarious Polish man. We asked him if we could crash at his place since the Feria was 45 minutes away from our town. He said of course, and when we showed up at his house he had made a bed for us and bought us toothbrushses! what? yes.... toothbrushes! When we awoke in the morning, breakfast was sitting out waiting for us because Karol had already left climbing. The Polish now have a special place in my heart forever. Along with the spirit of the Spaniards to party. This is definately one of my favorite weekends in Spain so far!

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